Find this ability that adults have forgotten. Google has understood this: the offices of this company are organized in a fun way (firefighter ramps, slides for getting around, etc.).

The game frees the mind, offers variety and allows it to roam. It also promotes positive emotions, which allow better problem-solving.

To find the soul of a child:

  • remember what made you laugh (movie, joke, etc.);
  • practice a team or fun sport (trampoline, trapeze, etc.);
  • play games that amuse you (crossword puzzles or billiards, it doesn’t matter!);
  • find partners to have fun: children, animals, etc.

If joy makes you more creative, creativity also makes you happier, and happiness is the secret of great inventions. But it is not enough to have free time, it is also necessary to appreciate these moments.

From the book: The Happiness Track - How to Apply the Science of Happiness to Accelerate Your Success by Emma Seppälä and Jean-Yves Katelan

Credit picture : standret